Introduction of me and the purpose of a blog: Let's start :)

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Tashkent, Uzbekistan
I believe life is a journey, and it is great to live this journey with joy, satisfaction, and enjoyment! I've been teaching since 2006 and 17 years of teaching and learning experience with its' ups and downs assured me that I truly do what is according to my call. In this Blog I plan to share the highlights of my professional life, share experience and learn from you, dear readers!!! :) :) :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Introduction of me and the purpose of a blog: Let's start :)

 Hi there!👋

I'm a university teacher who has experience working in various fields, in various countries with various age and ethnic groups. I'm sure there is a lot I can share and learn from you in terms of teaching and learning experience, so let's start!

 I’ve decided to start sharing my very first experience as a novice, inexperienced teacher of the English language. So, my professional teaching journey started back in 2006 at a small local comprehensive school in Tashkent. I needed to teach English to students ranging in age from 11 to 17. There was a lack of resources and facilities. For example, there were good English-language books but without cassettes. (Yes, yes, I started teaching when cassettes and cassette players were used. :D) Thanks to the wise principal of that school, who was a very supportive and motivating lady, the problem with the cassettes was sorted out. Then I brought a huge cassette player from home; that was the only one I had at home. And the entire school was taken aback by the young teacher's enthusiasm and eagerness to impart knowledge, so much so that almost all of the teachers and other staff members would come to my classroom to see how the classroom was rearranged and, of course, to see that huge cassette player. I wish I had taken photos... Another issue was room temperature. The classroom where I worked did not have appropriate central heating, there was some problem with the pipes. So, it was cold in my classroom; thus, I taught in a winter jacket, a hat, and gloves. Students would also wear winter coats and hats to my classes. Let me conclude by saying that even though I was working in inconvenient conditions with a lack of resources and facilities, I was still the happiest teacher as I began to fulfil the call of my life. 

Now, you know my very first experience as an educator, what about you? Can you share your first experience? 

Let me remind you that the purpose of this Blog is to exchange educators' teaching and learning experience, thus,  let's keep reading and sharing, as we know sharing is caring! :) 


Introduction of me and the purpose of a blog: Let's start :)

 Hi there!👋 I'm a university teacher who has experience working in various fields, in various countries with various age and ethnic gro...