Introduction of me and the purpose of a blog: Let's start :)

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Tashkent, Uzbekistan
I believe life is a journey, and it is great to live this journey with joy, satisfaction, and enjoyment! I've been teaching since 2006 and 17 years of teaching and learning experience with its' ups and downs assured me that I truly do what is according to my call. In this Blog I plan to share the highlights of my professional life, share experience and learn from you, dear readers!!! :) :) :)

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Cornerstone theories for a course development!

Hello dear readers, in this post you can find short YouTube videos of learning theories and concepts which I prefer the most. They are the cornerstones for me when I develop a course, training, or lesson! 

1. Bloom's Taxonomy - Benjamin Bloom 1956

2.Constructivism - Jean Piaget 1964

  3. Taba's Model - Hilda Taba 1971

4. Multiple Intelligence - Howard Gardener 1983

5. Connectivism - George Siemens 2005

What about you my dear readers? What are your favourite theories? Feel free to share in the comments :) 

Cikgu Cupcake (2015). TABA’S MODELYouTube. Available from [Accessed 10 April 2023].
PHILO-notes (2020). What is Constructivism? YouTube. Available from [Accessed 10 April].
Sprouts (2018). You Think You Are Smart? There 9 Types of Intelligence! YouTube. Available from [Accessed 10 April].
Sprouts (2019). Blooms TaxonomyYouTube. Available from [Accessed 10 April].
USC - Learning and Teaching (2014). Overview of connectivism - Dr George SiemensYouTube. Available from [Accessed 10 April].

1 comment:

  1. Bloom's Taxonomy. It is one of most useful frameworks for me, that has been applied by generations of K-12 teachers and college instructors in teaching.


Introduction of me and the purpose of a blog: Let's start :)

 Hi there!👋 I'm a university teacher who has experience working in various fields, in various countries with various age and ethnic gro...